Are you tired of the endless

hours spent trying to:

generate leads?

Attract new clients?

and boost your revenue and profits?

All on your own

and not much to show for it?

Learn what mistakes you are making

and how to correct them!

Is self-doubt and insecurity clouding your

belief in your own abilities?

Is the fear of failure making you question your capacity to

achieve success?

Are you wrestling with imposter syndrome,

wondering if you're truly capable?

At Business Impact, we understand the challenges you face.

As entrepreneurs, We get it. We've been there!

We want to be your partner in business success. With our proven track record of helping

businesses like yours double their revenues and achieve predictable growth

in under 12 months, we know what it takes to get results.


We offer the best business solutions

At Business Impact, we take pride in delivering top-notch business solutions that stand out.

What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to your success.

Here's why we believe we offer the best:

Proven Results: We have a track record of helping trade/contractor businesses like yours double their revenues and achieve predictable growth within 12-24 months.

Our methods are tried, tested, and proven to work.

Customized Approach: We don't offer one-size-fits-all solutions. Every business is unique, and we tailor our strategies to your specific needs, ensuring the best fit for your goals.

Affordable Excellence: We believe that professional help should be accessible. That's why we provide high-quality coaching at an affordable cost, making it possible for businesses of all sizes to thrive.

Guaranteed ROI: We're so confident in our ability to deliver results that we offer a 200% ROI guarantee. If you don't see the improvements you expect, we'll refund your investment.

Client Success Stories: Our clients have seen remarkable transformations in their businesses. Just like Kyle M, the electrical contractor who went from $190K to $500K in 18 months, Or Rueben, who went from $570K- $970K in 10 months. We have numerous success stories to share.

So when we say we offer the best business solutions in town, it's not just a claim; it's a commitment to helping you achieve your business goals and generate real impact.

With Business Impact, You can:

  • Say goodbye to the stress of trying to figure it all out by yourself.

  • Start attracting better clients who value your services.

  • Build a winning team that supports your vision.

  • Stop feeling overwhelmed and overworked.

  • Finally, scale and grow your business the way you've always wanted.

  • Buy Back Your Time

Private Coaching

Group Coaching

On-Line Programs

1/2 day to Multi Day Workshops


High Quality Programs

Elite Transformation

Experience a transformative journey with our most intensive coaching program, tailored for   ambitious entrepreneurs aiming for ground-breaking operational enhancements. In the Elite   Business Transformation Package, you'll partner with a dedicated coach who will challenge and elevate both you and your team to unparalleled heights. Ideal for businesses poised for rapid  expansion, launching innovative products, and evolving leadership dynamics.   This program is your gateway to revolutionizing your business.

Platinum Performance

Elevate your growing business to new heights with our Platinum Performance package. Tailored for entrepreneurs who are serious about scaling up, this program focuses on enhancing your operations, skyrocketing profitability, and enriching your lifestyle as a business owner. Ready to build a top-tier team, boost your revenue significantly, and enjoy a better work-life balance? The Platinum Performance package is your roadmap to the results you've been striving for."


Education & Workshop Programs

Phase 1:

BIZCraft Accelerator Masterclass: Dive deep into the essentials of business success with our BIZCraft ACCELERATOR MASTERCLASS. This program is a comprehensive exploration of the 9 Foundational Pilars for business strategies and practices, ideal for entrepreneurs looking to solidify their business base."

Phase 2:

BIZCraft 90 Day Strategic Workshop

Transform your quarterly business planning with our BIZ Accelerator WORKSHOPS. These one day sessions are designed to strategize and streamline your business goals every quarter, ensuring continuous growth and adaptation."

Professionals Team

Wes Kowalchuk

Tyler Caldwell

Ken 'KB' Barrios


Client's Feedback

"Wes was an absolute life saver for my business. I have applied all of his suggestions and business is booming right now. What I was most comfortable with, was that Wes had been in business before. That business failed and he learned from those mistakes. I can respect someone very much when they have been down that path before. Now he teaches us not to make the mistakes that he has made. He helps us to make good business decisions and grow our business. Thank you very much Wes for all of your help!"

Kyle Moss

Wes is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to streamlining your business and finding ways to save money while creating more revenue. His process is thorough and thought out. Wes as a human, is incredibly generous, kind and humble. He is always there for you when you need him and he isn't afraid to go above and beyond for his clients.

Benveet Gill | Reyu Paralysis Recovery

If you are a business owner or someone who is looking to start one, I want to spend time with me and my friend Wes Kowalchuk this Saturday for some business development.

If it wastes your time, you can burn me at the stake. I'm so confident that you will find something in the class that will help you take your business to the next level in 2024.

Kenneth Barios II



What is Business Coaching and How Can It Help My Business?

Business coaching is a professional service that offers guidance, support, and accountability to business owners and entrepreneurs.

It's like having a mentor who brings a wealth of experience and a fresh perspective to your business challenges.

At Business Impact, we focus on helping trade and contractor businesses grow their revenues and achieve predictable, sustainable growth.

Our coaching involves a mix of strategic planning, practical advice, and skill development tailored to your unique business needs.

How can it help your business?

Well, here are a few key benefits:

Expert Insights: You gain access to the accumulated knowledge and experience of seasoned professionals. We've been there, done that – and can help you navigate the complexities of running and growing your business.

Objective Perspective: Sometimes, being too close to a problem can obscure the solution. We provide an outside perspective to help you see the bigger picture and identify solutions you might not have considered.

Strategic Planning: We help you set clear, achievable goals and create a roadmap to reach them. This involves identifying key growth areas, streamlining operations, and optimizing your business model for efficiency and scalability.

Accountability: It's easy to get sidetracked or lose momentum. As your business coach, we keep you focused on your goals and accountable for taking the steps necessary to achieve them.

Skill Development: From leadership to financial management, we help you and your team develop the essential skills needed to run a successful, thriving business.

Problem Solving: Every business faces challenges. We equip you with tools and strategies to tackle problems effectively, whether it's about acquiring better clients, managing your team, or balancing work and life.

In summary, business coaching is not just about advice – it's a partnership that fosters growth, builds capabilities, and drives sustainable business success.

What Makes Business Impact Different from Other Business Coaching Firms?

At Business Impact, our distinctiveness stems from a blend of personal experience and proven results.

Founded by Wes Kowalchuk, an entrepreneur who has been immersed in the business world since the age of 10, our approach is grounded in real-world success and learning from failures.

Here's what sets us apart:

Hands-On Experience: Wes's journey in entrepreneurship began with a simple paper route and evolved into operating a multi-million dollar service business.

This firsthand experience in building a business from the ground up provides invaluable insights that we share with our clients.

Proven Track Record: Wes successfully grew his own business from $700K to $2.5 million in just 24 months. This isn't just theory – it's a testament to the strategies we use and teach.

We've replicated this success with clients like Kyle M, an electrical contractor, helping him grow from $190K to $500K in 18 months.

Customized Strategies: We understand that each business is unique. Our strategies are not one-size-fits-all but are tailored to the specific needs and challenges of your business, ensuring more effective and practical solutions.

Guaranteed Results: Confidence in our methods allows us to offer a bold guarantee – 300% ROI or your money back.

This commitment is rooted in our consistent track record of helping over 60 businesses find $100K plus in additional revenue.

Focus on Sustainable Growth: Our 7 Pillar Program and Business Acceleration Masterclass aren't just about rapid growth; they're about building a foundation for long-term, sustainable success.

This means implementing systems and processes that ensure your business continues to thrive.Learning from Failure: Understanding and learning from failure is just as important as celebrating success.

Wes's experience includes navigating challenges and setbacks, offering a well-rounded perspective on growth and resilience in business.

In summary, Business Impact's unique approach is shaped by real-world entrepreneurial success, a proven track record, and a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities in growing a business. We don't just coach; we've lived it, and we bring this wealth of experience to help you succeed.

How Does Business Coaching Work? What's the Process?

Business coaching at Business Impact is a structured yet flexible process, designed to maximize your business's potential.

Here’s how it works:

Initial Assessment: The journey begins with a thorough assessment of your business. This includes understanding your current position, challenges, goals, and the specific areas that are working and identify what's not and identify where you seek improvement.

It's a deep dive into what makes your business tick.

Goal Setting: Based on the initial assessment, we work with you to set clear, achievable goals. Whether it’s doubling your revenue, improving client acquisition, or enhancing operational efficiency, these goals are tailored to your unique business needs and aspirations.

Customized Strategy Development: Drawing from our extensive experience and proven methods, we develop a strategy that’s specific to your business. This may involve refining your business model, streamlining processes, or implementing new systems for better performance and growth.

Implementation Support: Strategy is nothing without execution. We guide you through the implementation of these strategies, offering support and advice. This could include hands-on help with setting up new systems, coaching your team, or offering leadership advice or training for you and your staff.

Regular Check-ins and Adjustments: Business coaching is an ongoing process. Regular meetings ensure that we stay on track towards your goals. During these sessions, we review progress, tackle any emerging challenges, and make adjustments to the strategy as needed.

Skill Development and Training: We believe in empowering you and your team with the skills needed for long-term success. This includes training in areas like leadership, financial management, and client relations – essential tools for any thriving business.

Measuring Success and ROI: We regularly measure the impact of our coaching through key performance indicators (KPIs) aligned with your goals. This helps in quantifying the return on your investment in our services.

Scaling and Future Planning: As your business grows, we help you scale responsibly. This involves planning for future growth, exploring new opportunities, and ensuring that your business is on a sustainable path to success.

At Business Impact, our coaching process is not just about providing advice – it’s about partnering with you to transform your business into a more profitable, efficient, and sustainable enterprise.

What Kind of Results Can I Expect from Business Coaching?

When you engage with Business Impact for business coaching, you can expect a range of tangible and intangible results.

Our goal is to not just meet but exceed your expectations. Here's what you can look forward to:

Revenue Growth: This is often the most immediate and sought-after result. Our track record includes helping businesses like yours double their revenues. Our firms target is a minimum of 20% revenue and profit growth/year. However we have some great success with our clients.

Disclaimer. Your results will depend of your application of what you learn and your work ethic.

Increased Profitability: Beyond just increasing revenue, we focus on boosting your bottom line. This involves strategies for cost reduction, improving operational efficiency, and maximizing profit margins.

Better Client Acquisition and Retention: We provide insights and tactics for attracting higher-quality clients and improving client retention rates, crucial for sustainable business growth.

Enhanced Leadership Skills: Our coaching enhances your leadership and decision-making skills, empowering you to lead your business more effectively and inspire your team.

Improved Time Management: We help you streamline operations and implement systems that free up your time, allowing you to focus more on strategic growth and less on day-to-day management.

Team Building and Staff Retention: Our strategies include fostering a positive work culture and implementing effective hiring processes, which lead to better team building and reduced staff turnover.

Scalability: We guide you in building a scalable business model, ensuring that your business can grow without corresponding increases in overhead or stress.

Personalized Solutions for Unique Challenges: Every business faces its unique set of challenges. We provide customized solutions, whether it’s about refining your business model, navigating market changes, or solving specific operational issues.

Sustainable Business Practices: Our coaching aligns with the principles of responsible capitalism, ensuring that your business growth contributes positively to the community and environment.

Confidence and Peace of Mind: Lastly, having a seasoned coach by your side brings confidence and peace of mind, knowing that you’re making informed decisions that lead your business towards success.

At Business Impact, we’re not just about quick fixes; we’re about creating lasting, impactful change that positions your business for long-term success.

How Long Does It Typically Take to See Results from Coaching?

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Who is Business Coaching Best Suited For?Can Business Coaching Help If I'm Just Starting Out or If My Business is Already Established?

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What Areas of My Business Can a Coach Help Me Improve?

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Is Business Coaching Worth the Investment?

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How Does Business Impact Help with Hiring and Staff Retention?

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What is the Business Acceleration Masterclass and How Can It Benefit Me?

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What Sets Your Approach to Scaling Businesses Apart from Others?

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